Friday, October 23, 2009

Arrival of Princess Kaylene~!!!!!!!!

My little niece, Kaylene finally arrived on 22th October. :)
Her foot, super cute right??????????????????

She is so lovely!!!!!!!

Lil Kaylene said "Hello"

Sound asleep. :)
aww.. she is so soft and delicate.
Very happy! the 1st baby in our family. We will give kaylene all our LOVE!
妹妹,辛苦了 :)
Now, what to get sis to "reward" her?


Ribena said...

Wow!! Baby Sooo Cute!!!! Whose Baby? YEs, MY BABY!! haha..

Yes present present I love it! :D

Germy's Room said...

Hhha, ya la! your baby is the cutest!
Okie, i bought u the chloe already. :p