Saturday, May 9, 2009

I just want to shop

Reached home early on a Saturday, so rare.
Managed to watch "over the Hedge" on Tv. I had a good laugh. :)
Life can be simple.

In the mood for shopping again.
I am so tired today due to lack of sleep. But I still insist to shop in the noon with HB.

Got some clothes, skincare and makeup.

Once again I submitted to it, I got myself a new lip gloss :p
It got a nice name: Sugarrimmed. Yummy!

Current wish list: A fuchsia pink skirt. A pair of super high red pumps.

However, I can't find them! :(

Some of my weekend acquisitions


Germy's Kitchen

Recently I Love Cooking.
My own creation of Fusion spaghetti
Pork Rib soup base, ham + mushrooms
I copied Pasta de Waraku style

Main Course: Soup Based Pasta

Starters: Asparagus + Cherry Tomatoes Salad

I want to shed 3 kgs. Please let me success.

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