Saturday, December 20, 2008

: : Christmas Wish : :

What I want for Christmas is:

Xiaobai to get well soon... i miss xiaobai badly!!! =`(
Quickly recover and come back to moi!

I will hug and kiss you when you're back to me

Almost got this bag!!!! But 还是忍了下来... So nice! Last piece but it's a display piece.
It's alright, there will always be another nicer bag. I console myself.
I am proud that I can control my desire, if not i think HB will KILL ME!!
(The very bad me even thought of lying about the actual price of this bag if HB asked about it.)
Hey, Patty Hou got this bag also.
Thanks rene for also telling me not to buy ya. Muah!

Tata Darling, Hope you can find a better owner

My new 口头禅 now is: Economy so bad, don't anyhow spend!

Save money lah!


Princess said...

ya..economy really bad.. :( my company got retrenchment soon.. not sure if i'm on the list or not.. :(

Germy's Room said...

Let's hope all our close ones are not affected. We need our jobs badly!!!! =(