Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some shopping

Seems like no shopping updates for awhile. Too lazy. keke.
This week alone, i bought 7 pairs of shoes! Shiok!

1. Red alligator pumps
2. Red ballerina flats
3. Rose gold bling bling flats
4. Ankle boots (super nice!)
5. White Wedges
6. White peep toes with kitten heels
7. Studs slip ons

Mad love this pair of Red S F ballerina flats. Chio and comfy.

Blings blings from Pazzion.

Lazy to snap the rest of the few pairs la.

Going Hong Kong again on the coming Thursday till Sunday. :) happy!

Super look forward

Friday, October 23, 2009

Arrival of Princess Kaylene~!!!!!!!!

My little niece, Kaylene finally arrived on 22th October. :)
Her foot, super cute right??????????????????

She is so lovely!!!!!!!

Lil Kaylene said "Hello"

Sound asleep. :)
aww.. she is so soft and delicate.
Very happy! the 1st baby in our family. We will give kaylene all our LOVE!
妹妹,辛苦了 :)
Now, what to get sis to "reward" her?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

If only...

If there is one day I did a tattoo, it will be this design. :)
To me, a tattoo symbolize courage.

If there is this one day I did a tattoo, it means I have overcome fear and all other obstacles.
This tattoo will remind me, to take this courage and determination with me for all the other steps in my life.

If only, there is this one day.